Unsung Sheroes In The Church: Singing the Praises of Black Women Now!
Publisher: Author House, 2008
PB: 260pp
This book shows that, whilst focusing on Britain, on a practical level, the experience of Black women (or sheroes, the author's coined term for Black heroines) is globally universal thus the experiences of Black women worldwide shall also be acknowledged. When appropriate, the book shall specifically, compare and contrast the experiences of British Black women with African American women in Church, society and the academy to demonstrate how they intersect and converse on transatlantic-lines. This collection of essays focuses on biographies and general analysis of British Black women. The book heralds the involvement of those on the margins, the voiceless and the invisible. It provides reasons for special acknowledgement of Black women generally and their relationship to the Church and society. It shows why Black women and issues relating to them are marginalized, even in the Church, and receive limited or no recognition and appreciation.The chapters are written by Black women who are ordained ministers, university academics and/or public workers. All have been actively engaged with women in their differing roles for several years. This book is therefore written by Black women and for Black women, White women and Black and White men.