The Adventures of Obi and Titi Book 5: Shango's Axe of Thunder by O.T. Begho
Published by Evolution Lab Media, 2017
PB: 120pp
The Adventures of Obi and Titi is a chapter book series that uses a beautiful blend of fact and fiction to take its readers on an untold journey across ancient Africa.
This epic adventure series follows the story of two brave, young children and a very naughty monkey, who set out on an unexpected journey of knowledge, hope and everlasting friendship.
At the end of each book you will find a vocabulary and a list of African facts to support learning and further discussion.
Book #5 - The Adventures of Obi and Titi: Shango's Axe of Thunder
Obi had been reunited with his father but their reunion was short-lived. Ezomo had captured Princess Titilayo, Joromi was stuck in a forest surrounded by Ezomo's guards, and Obi and Idia were heading towards a waterfall. Could things get any worse?
Ezomo and his men had left Shagamu and were heading to Katunga, the home of Shango. All he needed now was Shango's double bladed axe of thunder, forged of two powerful Okutas, and he could put his plan into full swing.