Black Scientists & Inventors Book 2 by Ava Henry & Michael Williams
Published by BIS Publications, 2017
This book can be use by children between the ages of 7 - 16.(Can be used for Key Stage 2/3) The second in a series of motivational, educational textbooks that seek to assist children aged 7 16 with their English, maths, history, geography and science using biographies of 10 scientists and inventors, including Cuthbert Dutiro, inventor of an environmentally friendly material for use in building roofs, Pauline Straker-Rodgers who wins awards all over the world for her beautiful porcelain dolls, Dr. Philip Emeagwali inventor of an incredibly fast supercomputer, a world record in 1989. George Washington-Carver inventor of over 300 products from peanuts, soy bean and sweet potatoes.