Natural Hair for Young Women by Phylecia Tarael-Anu
Published by: Anu Publishing, 2013
PB, 134pp presents the book for young women with natural hair entitled "Natural Hair for Young Women", as the first in its series of books which provides a holistic approach to natural black hair for young women. This book not only addresses the practical concepts of natural hair care, but it more importantly provides guidance for our young woman to reclaim control over their own mind, body, and spirits, as opposed to conforming to rules and standards of beauty, that do not apply to us, but only serve to bring us to a state of mental, spiritual, social, and physical disease. "Natural Hair for Young Women" aims to bring our young women to an elevated state of awareness, by becoming one of the first tools that our young women will place in their medicine bags as they embark on their journey to becoming holistically healthy, even down to the stands of their hair. This book will be a tool as well as a guide along their journey to embracing who and what they naturally are. It will also inform them about the devastating effects that applying chemicals to our bodies has on our health. Further it will equip them with realistic viable alternatives and guidance on how to transition and “return” natural, so that they can blossom into natural, beautiful, holistically healthy women and reveal their crowns with pride! "Natural Hair for Young Women" aims to reach our teenage girls so that they will come into their awareness and power much earlier in life, before they cause irreparable damage to their hair, spirits, mind, and bodies. Irrespective of that , the information that "Natural Hair for Young Women" will present can assist ALL women who posses a crown so that they can recover their natural beauty and power!