The Journey From Yard to Broad: Stories of Trial and Triumph by Clarence Jackson
Published by: Clarence Jackson Publishing, 2018
Check your local bookstore and you are sure to find a plethora of self-help, up-from-nothing tales of perseverance, grit, and determination. The book you hold in your hand will rivet you to your seat, but so can others. However, what this book does that others cannot, is to introduce you to the overmastering power of God! The Journey from Yard to Broad is the unflinching coming of age story of how a little boy rose from humble beginnings to become a spiritual force in a country far away. Along the way, you will eat last meals with him, feel the icy blast of derision, and endure many slights. But that’s not all you’ll get. Clarence Jackson will also teach you how to pray earnestly, trust completely, live expectantly, and rise continually—even in the midst of trial. You will watch him do hand-to-hand combat with the Devil, and then you’ll see God win every battle! The Journey from Yard to Broad will change everything you thought you knew about the power and favour of God!